Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) is having true and actionable intelligence from the sea about everything on, under, related to, adjacent to, or bordering any navigable waterway. For Port & Harbor Security, it is the effective understanding of the global maritime domain that could threaten security of the Port/Harbor’s area of responsibility and while MDA certainly has different meanings for Captains of Ports, masters of ships, and everyone in between—the common requirements of safety, security, the economy, and the environment resonate among all its stakeholders. The Vessel Traffic monitoring systems ( VTS/VTMIS) layer surveillance, observation, and navigation systems into one common operating picture which allows operators to have enhanced real-time maritime domain awareness and make informed decisions.
KDU Introduces pioneering port monitoring & management solutions through the complete integration of inter-organizational port processes to increase the visibility of the entire network to provide overall situational awareness. An all-inclusive operational ecosystem that triggers digital transformation & adaptability of port management by boosting its efficiency, safety & sustainability.
Our Capabilities
Enhanced real time data for effective management of traffic & maritime situational awareness
Customizable modular system architecture for future growth & adaptability
Intelligent data management solution for augmented security of your Ports & Harbours
Comprehensive life-cycle package –Supply, Installation, Training & AMC
All-inclusive ports management and surveillance solutions for comprehensive Maritime Domain Awareness
- Vessel Traffic Monitoring System (VTS/VTMS)
- AIS Network
- Vessel/Fleet Monitoring System (VMS)
- Port Management and Information System (PMIS)
- Terminal Operating System (TOS)
- Smart Port Solution
- Coastal Surveillance Solution (CSS)
- Offshore Platform Surveillance Solution
- Coastal Radio (GMDSS) Solution
- Search and Rescue Solution