The MAK is a solar kit that houses an AIS AtoN device and its own solar power supply, thus completing a compact and self-powered unit. The AIS AtoN device provides automatic information on the GPS position of the marine aid to navigation (AtoN); thus making easy the location and identification of buoys, beacons, and lighthouses on a vessel or an AIS Base Station chart.

Select Quantity:

  • The MAK Kit can house any type of the following AIS AtoN
    devices: MFAIS, MTA and MTU AIS.
  • Manufactured according to IEC AIS Aids to Navigation, IEC
    62320-2, IEC 60945, IEC 61108-1, IEC 61162-1/2, ITU-R
    M.1371-4, IALA A-126 Standards.
  • Minimum energy consumption (<0.06 Ah/day, Type 1).
    Two versions are available:
    – MAK-1: Type 1, the transmitter only.
    – MAK-3: Type 3, transmitter-receiver.
  • The capability of generating virtual and synthetic navaids (AtoN),
    and also repeater function.
  • Configuration via software under Windows environment and
    commands via VDL radio.
  • Position alarm generator by chain-breaking (only buoys).
  • Remote Monitoring Centre Software via AIS is available.


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